* Einstein was 4 years old before he could speak.
* Issac Newton did poorly in grade school and was considered “unpromising. “
* When Thomas Edison was a youngster, his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. He was counseled to go into a field where he might succeed by virtue of his pleasant personality. (Thomas Edison adalah pencipta lampu mentol).
* F.W. Woolworth got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21, but his boss would not permit him to wait on customers because he “didn’t have enough sense to close a sale.” (Kini, Woolworth adalah pasaraya ternama di UK).
* Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.
* A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he “lacked imagination and had no original ideas.”
* Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade and had to repeat it because he did not complete the tests that were required for promotion.
* Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times, a major league record. (Babe Ruth ketika itu adalah pemain baseball yang paling banyak melakukan home-run).
A person may make mistakes, but is not a failure until he or she starts blaming someone else. We must believe in ourselves, and somewhere along the road of life we will meet someone who sees greatness in us and lets us know it.
Kadangkala amat sukar untuk kita melihat keistemewaan yang ada pada diri sendiri. Selalunya, orang lain yang akan dapat melihat keistemewaan kita. Sama seperti anda sering melihat keistimewaan yang ada pada orang lain dan tidak pada anda.
Jangan segan bertanya dengan orang lain, rakan-rakan atau keluarga. Atau, anda juga boleh mendapatkan “hint” dari cara orang lain mendampingi anda. Dimanakah keistimewaan yang ada pada anda?
Suka entri ini? (=^_^=)
as salam...
entri yang menarik :)
terima kasih
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