We would like to invite you to mystery shop Maybank branches nearby your area. Please check the attachment for the specific locations and their details.
These Maybank shops need to be visit between Tuesday the 1th of February and Thursday the 17th of February 2011. The visit time is 9:15 AM till 4:30 PM Monday till Friday.
You need to observe the staffs and their service level from the perspective of a real customer. You also need to observe the bank’s cleanliness and maintenance level.
- You’re not an employee of Maybank.
- Age 20 years and above.
- You have a Maybank account (can be any type: saving, credit card, loan, etc.), or you know someone’s Maybank account. E.g.: spouse/family/relative/friend’
s Maybank account.
The shopfee is RM40 per shop. (RM20 for visits to Forex Booth). If you can do a cluster of 5 shops or more than 5 shops you get a bonus of RM10 per shop.
Please note: the Maybank survey needs to be filled in at http://aq.shopmetrics.com/ login.asp. If you don’t have an account yet, we will make you one straightaway.
If you are interested please log in at http://aq.shopmetrics.com/ login.asp or reply on this email. If you are interested in doing a clusterplease send an email to maybank@aq-services.
Assigning the shops will start on Friday afternoon, 28th of February. “First comes first served.”
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