Ops Bilang* was an artistic response to 12 contentious issues explored in a newly launched English-Malay e-forum called "Let's Talk About..." or "Bicara Pasal..." Organised by the Centre for Independent Journalism, Ops Bilang invited 12 artists to give a take each on those issues that are often hushed up or riddled with myths. It was held on 26 October 2010, at Annexe Gallery, Central Market Kuala Lumpur, to a capacity crowd, with not even standing room left!
Fahmi Reza took the audience back to the heady days of student power, when the birth of a new nation fired up young intellectuals to demonstrate and speak up on issues ranging from the Internal Security Act to poverty. An invaluable peek into the largely unknown and inspiring history of the Malaysian student movement.
Find out more, or have your own say, here: LetsTalkAbout.cijmalaysia.org/student-rights/
*Bilang: Malay word for "count, "to tell"; also a play on "Lalang", to commemorate that other operasi launched by the State under the draconian Internal Security Act on 27 October 1987. A total of 106 people were arrested and four news publications closed down within days, creating a long-lasting climate of fear when it comes to the exercise of our citvil liberties, especially freedom of expression. Hence, Ops Bilang is a way of reclaiming that space to speak up on issues that affect us as citizens.
Bilang 1 - hitung (satu demi satu), jumlah, congkat, campur, kira
Bilang 2 - bercakap, katakan, sampaikan, khabarkan, ceritakan, adu, beritahukan, nasihatkan
NOTA KAKI: FAHMI REZA is a documentary filmmaker and researcher and self-taught graphic artist and designer, and activist. His debut film 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka retells the largely forgotten 1947 Hartal, when Malayans united to protest the British colonialist's disregard of the People's Constitution drafted by the political left. His next film, Revolusi '48, recasts the Malayan Emergency of 1948-1960 as an anti-colonial struggle for independence. Fahmi is on a mission is to reenergise students through his Student Power campus lectures, which is based on his research into the Malaysian student movement of the 1960s.

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