Screenshots dari Farahiyah Ismail: (Farahiyah Ismail adalah bekas pelajar Naim Lilbanat)
Doakan keselamatan adik2 kita dan rakyat Malaysia di sana.
Sementara menunggu "evacuation" ke negara2 jiran, atau ke mana2 saja yg lebih selamat, sebar2kan cara untuk mereka di Mesir online (hope it works):
IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN EGYPT PLEASE PASS THEM THE FOLLOWING TO BYPASS MUBARAK'S INTERNET RESTRICTIONS: USE NUMERIC CODES INSTEAD OF LETTERS for Twitter "", for Facebook "", for Google "" - this will give access or use (a content distribution network), everything ends with
Or download Tor.
use the "bundled" package which includes the tor client and a browser which is integrated with tor.
It will reroute your connections to other countries to access everything else.
(perhaps those going into Egypt for the rescue can make sure that they have the Tor installed on their laptops)
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