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Tambah PENDAPATAN Paling Mudah Dengan SIMPAN EMAS!!!

0 Eidul Adha 1430H

Once again kita dapat bertemu dengan Eidhul Adha, bagi saya sudah 25 tahun saya melalui lembaran 10 Zulhijjah ni, jika tidak silap pengiraan umur saya mengikut pengiraan hijriah, sudah masuk 25 tahun (tapi ikut masihi saya muda setahun, iaitu 24 tahun)..

Apakah maksud pengorbanan bagi kita? masing-masing mempunyai nilai pengorbanan yang dilakukan yea x? Jom kita sama-sama fikirkan. Saya tinggalkan persoalan itu di sini.. Think.. Think!
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7 Kerja Part-time Menaip dan Kena Tipu...

Saya seorang yang berhati-hati dan susah kena tipu sebenarnya, tapi entah macam mana, setelah mendapat email dari laman sesawang Ruangan Kerja Kosong dan Jawatan Kosong di Malaysia kendalian, saya terasa ingin mencuba kerja part-time ni,

Kini setelah hampir 50 email balasan minat yang telah saya kumpul, baru saya tergerak untuk meng'google' kesahihan syarikat Autumn Paradise Sdn. Bhd ni,

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0 Cerita di hari Audit auditi

Di penghujung tahun dan bulan-bulan terakhir tahun 2009 ini, banyak yang berlaku dan kesibukan melanda, antara minggu yang paling menyesakkan jadual kehidupan-ku adalah minggu-minggu di dalam bulan November ini. Bermula dengan minggu pertama peperiksaan, minggu ke-dua yang tidak berhujung minggu dan diikuti dengan minggu ke-tiga yang sekali lagi hujung minggu-ku dipenuhi dengan 'workshop' anjuran Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah UPM selama 2 hari 2 malam, (hehe, siang hari je, tak de la sampai malam sebenarnya, sekadar hyperbola sahaja..).

dan hari ini, 19 Nov 09 kami di audit untuk kali yang ke berapa ntah, oleh SIRIM, audit auditi bagi Bahagian Siswazah UPM, yang paling pentingnya, nak cerita pasal ViSi, MiSi dan Dasar Kualiti Pengajian Siswazah nie, antara yang paling ku suka hafal adalah Visi nye,
Menjadi Universiti Bereputasi Antarabangsa,

MISI: Menjadi pusat pembelajaran dan penyelidikan yang utama, yang memberikan sumbangan bukan sahaja kepada pembentukan kekayaan dan pembangunan negara bangsa tetapi juga kepada kemajuan manusia dan penerokaan ilmu sejagat (ha, panjang kan, yang penting ingat point-point tu)

Dasar Kualiti Pegajian Siswazah: Kami staf UPM? (hmmmm...) 
Beriltizam ke arah kecemerlangan melalui penerapan budaya kualiti dalam -pengajaran, penyelidkan dan perkhidmatan Profesional untuk memenuhi ekpektasi pelanggan (jadi, dalam hal ini, adakah saya ni pelanggan atau staf)...?
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0 The Person Who Are Having Car and Who Are Plannig to Buy Car Just Keep It Mind

Please note and circulate...
Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car! 

Please open the windows after you enter your car and do not turn ON the
air-conditioning immediately. According to a research done, the car dashboard,
sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen- take note
of the heated plastic smell in your car). In addition to causing cancer, it poisons
your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure
will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer may also cause miscarriage. 

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with
the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors
under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up
to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will
inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins. 

It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for
the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your
kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

p/s: "When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others" 

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0 Andartu..jika ia masalah, apa penyelesaiannya?

Istilah andartu ini asal masyarakat sekeliling juga, jika ditanya kaum hawa, mana ada yang sanggup digelar andartu dalam hidup mereka. Mereka mungkin mempunyai faktor yang munasabah memilih untuk hidup membujang, atau mungkin juga mereka tidak mempunyai pilihan, bila usaha-usaha mereka untuk mencari calon hidup belum ditemukan jalan penyelesaiannya/kesudahan oleh Allah. Sentiasa bersangka-baik kepada Allah itu penting.  

Namun, saya tidak menolak sekiranya ada di antara kaum hawa yang menolak untuk berkahwin atas rasa tidak mahu dikongkong atau tidak mahu terlibat dengan lelaki yang rata-rata (lelaki dalam lingkungan hidup mereka) dilihat tidak matang dalam bertindak, kurang rasa tanggungjawab dan tidak menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik.  

Sehingga ada yang mengatakan, lelaki yang baik semakin berkurangan, lelaki yang soleh ramai yang telah mempunyai isteri dan jarang antara mereka yang ingin menambah bilangan isteri. Lelaki yang hidup dalam didikan agama pun belum tentu dapat menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik dalam muamalat dan pergaulan antara rakan serta menonjolkan sikap negatif yang lain.  

Adakah saya berfikir dan memandang negatif/serong kepada lelaki? 
Oh, tidak...itu antara contoh yang dapat saya berikan sahaja, kerana pemuda adalah tonggak negara, pemudi tiang serinya... Bangkitlah wahai kaum muslimin sekalian, bangkitlah membela nasib agamamu, membela nasib kaum muslimatmu, Kerana bayang yang lurus hanya akan terhasil dari acuan yang lurus juga..bukan sebaliknya.
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0 Sajak kaloh bola...huuuuu~

Sajak sek-sek kito hok perah kelih bola, wah,,, x seko jugok kerusi kt Bukit Jalil tu mahal sengoti dih? muahahaha..

Naik bah naik keto
Pulah muto pun ado
Huje turun pun x caro
Nak tengok bola klate kito
Beli jersi dan serbo makniko
Nak tunjuk semangt ore kito
Bako berani gagah pekaso
Warna meroh pilihe kito
Ado hok tinggal ngorik ado hok tinggal iso
Nak pakat gi tengok sek kito
Lepar bedil lepar boto
Gomo klate gomo sloge kito
Tp main bola mace celako + bodo
Masuk final kaloh sokmo
Saloh player ko saloh sapo
Ambik coach dari estet mano?
Patutla msia reject dio
Bubuh pemain hok tak tau gapo
Mapuh nga gitu dah sek kito
Nyayo sungguh ko pnyokong setio
Sedih maroh tok sah kiro
Kaloh bodo tiga so
Maaf semo kalu teraso

credit to: Penarikbeca

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0 Aura positif dan negatif

Setiap pemikiran mempengaruhi tindakan. Setiap apa yang difikirkan oleh minda bawah sedar akan mempengaruhi emosi, jiwa dan seterusnya akan terzahir di dalam bentuk fizikal kita. Antara intipati menariknya bengkel/seminar yang telah saya hadiri di Hotel Putra KL dari 7 - 8 November 2009 di kendalikan oleh Dr. Azizan.

Sepanjang 2 hari seminar berlangsung, bermula dari pagi Sabtu hingga malamnya, dan pagi Ahad hingga penutup program jam 6 petang, rata-rata peserta dilihat bersemangat dan memberikan komitmen dan respon yang jitu pada setiap aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh Dr. Azizan dan pembantu-pembantunya.

Mungkin rentetan aura positif yang dipunyai oleh Dr. Azizan yang memukau hadirin dan disebarkan kepada 'audien' yang hadir..Yang penting, banyak maklumat dan info yang berguna telah dikongsi oleh Dr. Azizan sepanjang seminar ini berlangsung telah diamalkan oleh beliau. Ilmu dengan amalkan lebih berkesan. Di permulaan seminar lagi beliau telah menekankan bahawa, kepercayaan kepada ilmu/apa yang diajar olehnya adalah terpulang kepada individu itu sendiri. "jangan percaya apa yang dicakapkan sebelum diri-sendiri membuat/melalui perkara tersebut".

"Bagaimana seseorang itu mempunyai aura yang begitu kuat, malahan dapat menyebarkan aura tersebut kepada orang sekelilingnya juga? Kunci kepada sebuah kejayaan itu adalah hasil dari keberkatan dan restu ibu bapa dan Allah tidak mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan mereka mengubah nasib mereka sendiri.."

Ini adalah di antara elemen yang ditekankan dalam menentu-ukurkan kejayaan seseorang di dunia dan di akhirat di samping usaha dan keyakinan positif individu terbabit terhadap keupayaan dan potensi yang dipunyai oleh dirinya. Yang penting, prinsip untuk berjaya adalah, 

  • komitmen yang dapat diberikan 100% terhadap apa jua pekerjaan yang dilakukan 
  • diiringi ilmu, dan 
  • mentor yang dapat membantu 
dalam mengemudi ke arah matlamat tersebut.
So, please,
'Think positive' and be specific in everything I do !

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2 Gold Dinar as Halal Money

An  interesting post I found on the Halal Journal website. A really nice one that I want to share with others too. It written by Vivy Yosuf. Please, have a look.

Many are aware of the concept of Halal money, but to them, Halal money is money obtained in an honest way, which means not by gambling. There is a bigger issue to be addressed regarding Halal money, and the secret lies within the currency note itself. If I told you that your RM50 note is worth nothing, would you believe me? This all comes down to history. Let’s recap: in the 1800s, colonies robbed us by monopolising our land, taking our resources. In return, they issued a paper IOU, which is a promise to pay, signed by their companies involved. While waiting and wishing for our tangible returns, the IOUs were circulated and used by us, as a medium to trade. The paper IOUs gradually decreased in size and were beautified by pictures of the rulers. Soon, they were accepted as a medium of exchange, and known to all of us as Money, something we all chase for to survive. This shows that while God has given Muslim countries so much richness such as oil, precious metals and fertile land, we generously hand them over to others and succumb to their manipulations. Paper money as a dishonest tool is a highly sensitive topic to touch upon, and determining the Halal aspect of it would be best left to the Ulamas to decide. However, we can all use our common sense with this simple example. The third pillar of Islam urges Muslims to pay Zakat, which is the act of giving a proportion of our income to the poor. Zakat is only to be paid with tangible goods, such as gold, goats, and camels. Many Muslims just shake off their Zakat responsibility by paying using paper money. Considering the origins and history of paper money, being just a promise to pay, is our Zakat accepted in Islam? Ultimately, paper money symbolises a debt, and in Islamic law, a debt cannot be used as a medium of exchange. Zakat has to be paid with honest and Halal money, and what springs to mind is the obvious; Dinar. This 100 per cent gold coin fits the requirement of Halal as it has value and is tangible merchandise. One of the persons most passionate about Gold Dinar is Umar Ibrahim Vadillo, who wrote The Return of the Islamic Gold Dinar. He is one of those who believe strongly that any true Muslim carries the responsibility to reject paper money. To him, paper money is a form of “fraud” despised by Allah and therefore, the absolute worst thing a Muslim can do is to use it. He believes the only means of exchange allowed by Syariah law are gold Dinar and silver Dirham. He quotes the words of Imam-ad-Dean Ahmad which says, “Muslims cannot escape the fact that gold is our money. Instead of fighting the will of Allah, I propose that we embrace it. If the 1 billion Muslims of the world would use gold as their unit of account, the volatility would stabilise.” There is another person closer to our hearts fighting for the good of gold Dinar; Malaysia’s former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. In 2003, he, along with his economic adviser, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, proposed the introduction of Islamic gold Dinar as currency to be used for international trade among the Muslim countries. Reason for this is to suppress the overly-traded US dollars and to ensure that the US dollar’s instability does not affect our international trade. Islamic gold Dinar is more stable in the sense that it is tied to the price of gold. The idea of using gold instead of the paper money is understandably a bizarre one to many. We might not be able to imagine people going about their everyday lives carrying bags of gold instead of thin currency notes. However, shouldn’t we be patient and open-minded so as to see the other side of the story, perhaps the better side? So, why gold? As elaborated by Umar Ibrahim in his book, gold is an asset that is no one else’s liability. According to him, paper assets (bonds, shares etc) are promises to repay money borrowed, and its value is dependent upon the investor’s belief that the promise will be fulfilled. Gold by itself is a precious metal. No one can deny that gold is valuable and always treasured. Gold cannot be created or destroyed, whereas paper money can be easily torn, burned or created numerously. Only a fool would turn down the idea of receiving gold. Also, gold would not contribute to inflation problems. For example, during Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) time, a chicken costs 1 Dirham (silver). Today, a chicken still costs approximately 1 Dirham. Therefore, within over a thousand of years, the effect silver had on inflation is virtually zero. On the other hand, the existence of paper money has caused prices to increase ten-folds! The value of gold is independent of the financial system, whereas the value of currencies depends on the strength of their countries. If we wanted stability, the obvious answer would be to choose gold. Gold Dinar is already used in some Islamic countries, but still very small-scaled. The World Islamic Trading Organisation, following the standards of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, established that one Dinar is equivalent to 4.25g of 22K gold and 23mm in its diameter size. In recent years, China is also showing affinity to gold, as their people are encouraged to buy and trade gold. The Chinese government is committed to increase their gold reserves to reduce reliance on the US dollar. India is another example of a country that has a high demand of gold. The Indians find gold as a commodity of immense value in their religious beliefs, and feel that gold is the only form of protection for Indian rupees against the US dollar. Currently there are 1.3 billion Chinese, 1.1 billion Indians and 1.8 billion Muslims, together representing more than 60 per cent of the world population. If we unite to use gold as currency, there would be a definite shift of power to the East. Imam Malik defined money as “any merchandise commonly accepted as a medium of exchange.” In the past, when people were free to choose, they chose gold and silver as their money, as their medium of exchange. Now, we are legally forced to succumb and agree to the use of paper currency. Perhaps, if we are given the freedom to choose again, it would be a completely different scenario, and gold and silver would enter the picture again. Increasing awareness of the importance of gold Dinar is a success for the Muslims. More people are accepting that it is more Islamic to use gold as currency. More people are believing that monetary crisis we face these days are caused by paper money, which can be printed over and over again. More people are realising that this repetitive problem will never stop unless something is changed. More people are opening their eyes, but sadly, only a handful of them are opening their mouths to make a difference. When asked about if the introduction of an Islamic Gold Dinar could be realised, Tun Dr Mahathir replied, “This is not a dream, it can be realised.” To many, it is still a dream. Granted, the replacement of paper currency is a difficult thing to do, but with comprehensive research and meticulous planning, it can be done. All we need to do is be able to understand, accept and adapt to a new era, a Halal-certified one.  

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0 Google Reader_Wan Siti

Perlu banyak membaca memerlukan saya mencari dan melihat kepada penulisan orang-orang yang sebelum saya, 'standard' dalam penulisan, walau sehebat dan sepakar mana pun penulis itu, perlu bermula dari zero dan atas daya usaha yang berterusan menulis lah akan membuatkan sang penulis makin maju dan petah dalam bidang penulisannya. Bukan sahaja dalam bidang penulisan, apa jua bidang sekalipun, perlukan latihan dan kesungguhan kita melakukan perkara yang ingin dikuasai berulang-kali. Tiada istilah putus atas atau kecewa jika objektif yang jitu ditetapkan dalam usaha menggapai apa yang dicita. Di sinilah letakkan istilah 'omputih' ~ "Practice make perfect".

Well done, sebagai seorang mukmin, bukan kah kita selalu di ajar dan diingatkan bahawa ayat pertama yang turun ke dunia melalui perantaraan Malaikat Jibril adalah dengan suruhan, "Bacalah".. Jadi, baca dan terus rajin membaca dan menulis, kerana dengan membaca "you can conquer the world",..Saya masih muda dalam penulisan ini, namun saya tahu banyak sejarah terdahulu telah banyak mencatat bahawa dengan ilmu, sesuatu kemajuan itu dapat dicapai. Samada kemajuan materialistik ataupun, kemajuan fikrah atau batiniah seorang muslim itu.. Teruskan membaca dan menulis wahai diri.~*
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0 Wan Siti INTJ

Some people said, I am brilliant when it comes to quickly understanding complex theories and applying them to problems. I am most happy and effective in careers which allow me to continue this type of thinking and are allowed the freedom to do so. I should avoid overly structured environments and do best in fields that promote continual research and development. 

Some of my personality traits include: 
* Able to absorb extremely complex theoretical and complex material 
* Driven to create order and structure from theoretical abstractions 
* Supreme strategists 
* Future-oriented 
* See the global, "big picture" 
* Strong insights and intuitions, which you trust implicitly 
* Value your own opinions over others 
* Love difficult theoretical challenges 
* Bored when dealing with mundane routine 
* Value knowledge and efficiency 
* Have no patience with inefficiency and confusion 
* Have very high standards for performance, which you apply to yourself most strongly 
* Reserved and detached from others 
* Calm, collected and analytical 
* Extremely logical and rational 
* Original and independent 
* Natural leaders, but will follow those you can fully support 
* Creative, ingenious, innovative, and resourceful 
* Work best alone, and prefer to work alone 

Some of suggested careers for me are: 
* Scientist 
* Engineer 
* Professor and Teacher 
* Medical Doctor / Dentist 
* Corporate Strategist and Organization Builder 
* Business Administrator / Manager 
* Military Leader 
* Lawyers / Attorney 
* Judge 
* Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst and Computer Specialist

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