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Tambah PENDAPATAN Paling Mudah Dengan SIMPAN EMAS!!!

Caffeinated Baverages and me ~*

Assalamualaikum wbt.,

Nice day..
I am struggling myself on reading and doing research,.. books, papers, articles and internet searching become part of my life! Ups, one more thing, my beloved ‘lappy’, can I say..I LOVE IT..!! I’ll miss it very much when I was away or not around it.. Usually, I’ll bring it along when I’m going to some places, but due to security purposes, I left it behind somehow..My life will be bored without it, ehm..I wonder, how I will survive one day when I had my own responsibilities toward another things (Allah, family, spouse, children, job, etc.), I believe have practice it well, and still practicing I know I can make it, I can live without my lappy…ihiks., hopefully..hoho

Now, I wonder, does my writing now consist of beneficial content right now? haha., I always write, write and write for the sake of the goodness or release tension that contain in my writing! I am actually was reading the journals regarding my study, but, brain become unfocused on the matter I read and my hand (or may be leg, body) become shivering and cold..O my.. I thought it may comes from the caffeine intake just now..I had drank 2 full cups of Goji Guarana Coffee and Radix Coffee HPA..ayyo..actually because of the desire for food and there are not food at all, available at the moment, therefore, I simply consumed that coffees….huuu poor me..isn’t.. (waiting for my housemates to return home and bring some raw chicken, or fish) that, I can cook..!!! yummy..! can’t wait for that times to come (5 or 6 pm)..about 1 or 2 hours to go…

by the way, What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It’s also produced artificially and added to certain foods. Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness. Caffeine gives most people a temporary energy boost and elevates mood…wow! so powerful, huh~ no wonder there are a lot of people love caffeinated beverages..Caffeine is in tea, coffee, chocolate, many soft drinks, and pain relievers and other over-the-counter medications. In its natural form, caffeine tastes very bitter. But most caffeinated drinks have gone through enough processing to camouflage the bitter taste.

Caffeine actually, is not stored in the body, but we may feel its effects for up to 6 hours…fuh..! Moreover, the amount of caffeine that will produce an effect in someone varies from one person to another,, On average, the smaller the person, the less caffeine needed to produce side effects. .. like me..I’m a little, cute girl..that’s why I only need little caffeine to boost my energy.. hehehe, am I cute…?? ekeke..

However, people who regularly take in a lot of caffeine, will soon develop less sensitivity to it. This means that, they may need more caffeine to achieve the same effects. ..that’s why people like me, who are rarely take coffee, tea, soft drinks only need small quantity of caffeine..The most dangerous part of caffeine is it may cause the body to lose calcium and may lead to bone lost from time to time…be careful guys on the amount of caffeine you consume daily..especially ladies..We need more calcium to avoid osteoporosis disease..

OK, i think that’s all about caffeine..time for me to get ready for the Asar prayer..Haiya ‘alal Solat, Haiya ‘alal falah~ Jom, Lets perform the prayer and gain for the prosperity..!!

Suka entri ini? (=^_^=)

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