A good article found at altuckerbooks..
What you don't know about your partner could start a fight or quite possibly, end the relationship.
The manner in which we handle each other matters. Problem is, most of us never received any training on how to handle others. If I could teach you how to have a more loving experience with your partner, would you be open to trying something new?
What if I told you the key which unlocks the door, to having better experiences with others, lies in knowing yourself?
And please understand, this is not about what you do, but why you do it. There's a reason why you do and say things a certain way. And today you'll be exposed to 4 ideas which explain the mystery.
This system is called the D.i.S.C. Personality Model and it consists of 4 Personality Styles – Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive and Cautious. For clarity, let's begin by defining the phrase "Personality Style."
Personality Style means the way a person is naturally wired, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Since our focus is relationship, let's think about how the following information applies to both you and your partner.
Do the two of you ever have conflict?
Would life together be less stressful, if one of you learned how to remove some of the conflict?
You're probably saying to yourself, "Oh Yes!" And today I offer you insight to begin the process of removing conflict from your relationship.
The key to effective interaction with your partner, is to understand how they're wired and then communicate in a way which draws out their best qualities. At first, it's difficult to make the shift because of our perception.
What many of us see when we look at our partner IS NOT the real person, but an ILLUSION, make-believe, a figment of our imagination. When we take charge of the way see our partner, as well as how we express ideas and share information, we'll increase our influence with him/her.
To INFLUENCE is to direct CHANGE!
If it's your goal to have better quality experiences with your partner, then you'll have to learn how to use your mouth, body language, and words, in a way that draws out their best qualities.
For this, you must study your partner the way you'd study something you find fascinating. Your partner fascinated you at some point in the relationship. Now it's time for the two of you to get back to being in awe of each other.
Do you remember what it's like to be celebrated and appreciated by your partner?
I'm sure you do. It's something we crave. It's also something we can experience again and again if we'll start creating this experience for them! And don't concern yourself with whether or not they'll give back. The Law of Reciprocity works 100% of the time for people who care about one another.
Take your time, listen more often than you speak, and please . . . please . . . please . . . consider ALWAYS that there's a better way to approach the situation.
The tools (excel) I'll introduce during this series will equip you for a successful journey. If you haven't taken the Personality Test, go and take it now. Ask your partner to take it as well. Be nice! Here's the download link.
After you've completed the test, continue reading this article below...
Part 1: Which One Are You?
Part 2a: DiSC Personality Test
Part 2b: What You Don't Know About Your Partner Could . . .
Part 3: Stop Settling For An Experience You Cannot Enjoy and Start Getting Exactly What You Want
Part 3: Stop Settling For An Experience You Cannot Enjoy and Start Getting Exactly What You Want
Part 4: DiSC: These Blind Spots Will Destroy Every Relationship
Part 4: DiSC: These Blind Spots Will Destroy Every Relationship
Part 5a: The Secret Technique To Uncomplicated Relationship
Part 5a: The Secret Technique To Uncomplicated Relationship
Part 5b: How To Use The Quick and Easy Guide To Rewarding Relationship Experiences
Part 6: Turning Your Personality Into Your Greatest Asset
Part 6: Turning Your Personality Into Your Greatest Asset
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