Percaya kah, jika wansiti katakan yang ni adalah tag yang paling terperinci yang wansiti pernah jumpa.. oleh Cik Miera
Real name : Wan Siti
Nickname : wan @ siti @ ijae @ ijan
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Male or female : Female
Highschool : SMK (A) Naim Lilbanat
College : USIM, Nilai
Tall or short : medium ^_^
Phone or Camera : Phone!
Health freak : err.... dizzy sometimes.. not migraine okeh..
Orange or apple : Apple
Do you have a crush on someone? : Yes !
Eat or drink : both
Piercings : ears piercings only allowable.
Pepsi or coke : none of both
Been in an airplane : yes, but why?
Been in relationship : Yes
Been in a car accident : not car, but bus accident ..
Been a first fight : err... can't really recall what type of fight..
Fight for life?? Yes... I am and will do it for the purpose of the life the day-after-life..
First household chores : [chores] so it should be a lot right? washing, cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc..
First best friend : Allayarhamah Noor, [kawan masa darjah 1, anak guru kelas yang meninggal sebab lemas]
First award : a small award for my best academic performance in primary school, thought..
First crush : huuuu.... can't really remember.. my primary school crush then..
Last person you talked to in person : Itik! yea, housemate.. ngeee~
Last person you texted : Aina [my lab-mate]...
Last person you watched a movie with : single Mazlina [before she getting married]
Last food you ate : my cook [Sup Ayam]...
Last movie you watched : Pirrate of Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Last song you listen to : Sami Yusuf {ya Latif}
Last thing you bought : Carrot, Bunga Kobis, Butter Scotch [Gardenia], some eggs..
Last person you hugged : Person? erm... Shiro Momo...[ cats..]
Food : All kind of foods..
Drink : sky juice..
Flower : white rose..
Animal : cats..!! yea! yea!
Colour : Green
Put an X in the bracket if yes
[x] falling in love with someone.
[] celebrate Halloween
[x] had your heart broken
[] went over the minutes/ texts on your cellphone
[] had someone question my sexual orientation
[] got pregnant
[] had an abortion
[x] did something i regret
[x] broke a promise
[x] hide a secret
[x] pretend to be happy
[x] met someone who changed your life
[] pretend to be sick
[] left the country
[x] try something you normally wouldn'try and liked it
[x] cried over the silliest thing
[] ran a mile
[x] when to the beach with your best friend
[x] got into an argument with your friend
[x] hated someone
[x] stayed single for a whole year
Eating : is writing on my lappy
Drinking : sky juice
Listening to : my downloaded mp3.
Sitting or laying : sitting
Plan for today : finishing what I've already started
Waiting : waiting for what meh? for my-hubby-to-be, is't okey? miahahahaa!!
Want kids ? : Sure!
Want to get married : Yes...
Career : want to be good in Business..
Lips or eyes : both! miahahaaa..
Shorter or taller : taller
Romantic or spontaneous : both.. miahahaaaa
Nice stomach or nice arms : Nice stomach, coz everything start from stomach...
Hook -up or relationship : Relationship
Looks or personality : personality
Lost glasses/contacts : didn't have both
Snuck out of a house : Nope
Held a gun/knife for self defense : Nope
Killed somebody : Nope
Broken somebody heart : Yes
Been in love : Yes
Cried when someoned died : Yes
Yourself : Yes!
Miracles : Yes
Love at first sight : Nope
Heaven : Yes i believe...
Santa claus : Nope...karut!
Superstition : nope
Is there one person you want to be with right now ? Yes, sure..
Do you know who your real friends are ? Yes!
Do you believe in God ? Yes
Suka entri ini? (=^_^=)
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