Some people said, I am brilliant when it comes to quickly understanding complex theories and applying them to problems. I am most happy and effective in careers which allow me to continue this type of thinking and are allowed the freedom to do so. I should avoid overly structured environments and do best in fields that promote continual research and development.
Some of my personality traits include:
* Able to absorb extremely complex theoretical and complex material
* Driven to create order and structure from theoretical abstractions
* Supreme strategists
* Future-oriented
* See the global, "big picture"
* Strong insights and intuitions, which you trust implicitly
* Value your own opinions over others
* Love difficult theoretical challenges
* Bored when dealing with mundane routine
* Value knowledge and efficiency
* Have no patience with inefficiency and confusion
* Have very high standards for performance, which you apply to yourself most strongly
* Reserved and detached from others
* Calm, collected and analytical
* Extremely logical and rational
* Original and independent
* Natural leaders, but will follow those you can fully support
* Creative, ingenious, innovative, and resourceful
* Work best alone, and prefer to work alone
Some of suggested careers for me are:
* Scientist
* Engineer
* Professor and Teacher
* Medical Doctor / Dentist
* Corporate Strategist and Organization Builder
* Business Administrator / Manager
* Military Leader
* Lawyers / Attorney
* Judge
* Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst and Computer Specialist
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