minat wansiti nak komen atau tambah apa yang patut, terbantut buat masa ini.. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa rujukan buat wansiti dan sahabat yang lain.
I believe these 2 advertising company are the biggest and most commonly heard local blogadvertising agencies in the Malaysian blogosphere.
Yes…It’s pay per click program but it depends on your traffic (impression) also. You can haveNuffnang and Advertlets on your blog at the same time. You will only see the default Nuffnang banner if there are no sponsors for you.
Comparison Between Nuffnang and Advertlets
It’s a common scene to have people asking on which of these 2 being the better. Nuffnang and Advertlets are different from Google Adsense, Adsense is text based ads and the other two are graphical ads, so I don’t think the click will be separated
From what I’ve known, Nuffnang will pay per impression when a campaign is in place. Nuffnang will update your earnings every week in the dashboard while you may check your Advertlets daily earnings.
Nuffnang can cash out at RM50 while Advertlets allow you to cash out at RM100 which is take more time to achieve.
More people prefer Nuffnang than Advertlets since Advertlets have some problem in their payout system, they always did not pay bloggers earning in timely manner.
The Thing That Advertlets Can Compete With Nuffnang
Advertlets have Blogvertorials, means you write a post with pictures. After successfully doing so, they’ll pay you.
The Reason Why I Choose Nuffnang?
I have been using Advertlets more than a year and now it’s time to give myself a chance to try onNuffnang since Nuffnang pay according to your traffics. While Advertlets only can pay you more if you post up Blogvertorial by them. Besides, I heard a lot of blogger said that if you get the campaign ads from Nuffnang, then you will get rewarded handsomely.
From other blogger who experienced with using Nuffnang ads, they said that you need to maintain the minimum amount of unique visitors to your blog. Then, you will have higher chance for advertisers to select your blog to run their ad campaigns on. If you are selected, you will be notified by email based on the type and the duration of the ad campaign. When the ad campaign is run, your default Nuffnang ad will be changed to the advertiser’s advertisement for the duration that you have agreed.
Nuffnang new program called Glitterati, is a double blow to Advertlets. This will appreciate their loyal blogger with this exclusive member. You can get more benefits, which is from payment rates, ability to join innit service.
How To Apply for the Nuffnang Glitterati Club?
You do not need to apply and it will automatically be included as a Nuffnang Glitterati as long as you do NOT have any ads from any other ad network that originates from South East Asia. Their crawlers will automatically include your blog in the club within 48 hours. link
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