Current issue that wander in my mind is about lard and the story behind it. Some people might just say, “Why you make the use of your time just to study about something that we sure never exist as the adulterant in the products. Moreover, the Islamic Country like Malaysia”. Well, simply said than done. As always. For your information, I have been in this field of study almost 1 and half year. And all of my time since 1 year back were all spent to study about this ‘little cute‘ creature made by Allah. But, what I’ve got so far? haha…..frustrated, confused, more berselirat wires in my head (hahaha, I wish you can see it)…ngeee
I kept asking myself the same question as before.. Why? Why? and Why?
Hopefully someone will help me to find and seeking the answer together. But..Finally, I just left alone and confusing even more..ahaks! So good! I feel good……Thanks to Pak Rohman for helping me. I wish I can be as clever and marvelous person like you! Finishing his Phd study in not more than 2 years time..Wow!!!
I’m proud of you.
I’m proud of myself too….Of Course I can do it. Yea! yea! Gambate Wan Siti!
Suka entri ini? (=^_^=)
keep ur faith n fly high, gambate!!
salam wbt.Tahniah, anda salah seorang penerima anugerah. Sila lawat blog saya. :)
anugerah gapo plop ni cik sue?
cik kanvas hati: terima kasih yea...
jom sama-sama usaha.
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